Five Distinct Portfolios


Five Distinct Portfolios


Five Distinct Portfolios

Harris Douglas Equity Portfolio

We select profitable and well-run companies with attractive valuations that have difficult-to-replicate advantages and are resilient to change, particularly technological innovation. These businesses can sustain a high return on operating capital, don’t require significant leverage to generate returns and also create growth by reinvesting cash flow.

This is a concentrated portfolio of between 30 and 35 global stocks. We keep turnover to a minimum by buying quality companies and having a long-term view which leads to lower volatility in our portfolios.

Harris Douglas Equity Portfolio Management Fee

  • $1 million to $2 million: 1.2 percent
  • $2 million to $3 million: 1 percent
  • $3 million to $5 million: 0.8 percent
  • Over $5 million: 0.6 percent